All around the United States, there is a high rate of people overdosing on Fentanyl. In fact, this is one of the drugs that is causing the most deaths around the world. Even though this drug is often prescribed to treat severe pain, there are still risks associated with its use. There are some people who will also combine fentanyl with other drugs and/or alcohol. This can lead to irregular heartbeat, respiratory issues, coma or even death.
If you or someone you know is abusing Fentanyl, there are numerous things that you may want to know about the drug including how long it stays in your system, what damage it can do and much more. If you or this person you know wants help to overcome a fentanyl addiction, please reach out to our Harmony Healing NJ team today.
What is Fentanyl
If you know someone who is using or abusing fentanyl, you may want to know more about this drug. Generally, people take or are prescribed it for pain relief. It is very addictive an