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Medication-assisted treatment options offer a path toward recovery that is paved with science, support, and compassion. Addiction is a chronic disease that is often misunderstood and stigmatized, which can have a significant impact on a person’s readiness to ask for help. As a leading NJ substance abuse treatment provider, the Harmony Healing Center offers medication-assisted treatment options.

What Is MAT?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a commonly used and evidence-based treatment approach for substance use disorders that typically includes the use of medication with counseling and behavioral therapies to address the underlying causes of addiction. MAT is more commonly used for opioid use disorder (OUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD), although it can also be effective for other substance use disorders.

Medication-assisted treatment options often include medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone, which are prescribed to help individuals manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and decrease the risk of relapse. By targeting the same receptors in the brain as opioids and alcohol, they offer an opportunity for controlled stimulation, which can improve an individual’s quality of life and allow them to navigate their journey in recovery. Naltrexone is another commonly used MAT medication that can temporarily reduce the effects of some opioid overdoses. Naloxone costs vary widely and are provided at little to no cost in some areas. Healthcare professionals who are experienced with addiction medicine provide medication-assisted treatment. They tailor the medication to meet your body’s and your lifestyle’s needs. For individuals who have tried getting sober before and those who are struggling with the physical and psychological effects of drugs and alcohol, we invite you to contact the Harmony Healing Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center at (888) 409-5356 to learn about the steps taken for admission into our New Jersey treatment facility.

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Therapist talking with her male patient
Young woman leaning forward and sitting quietly as a medication-assisted treatment therapist takes notes

Average Cost of Medications Used in MAT 

Medication-assisted treatment options come with their best practices, which can directly impact the cost of care. While the cost of MAT may sound overwhelming initially, we encourage you to consider that the costs of continued use may be as much, if not more.

Cost of Buprenorphine-Naloxone (Suboxone)

Cost of Buprenorphine (Subutex)

Cost of Methadone (Methadone)

Cost of Acamprosate (Campral) 

Cost of Naltrexone (Vivitrol) 

Cost of Disulfiram (Antabuse) 

How Much Does Medication-Assisted Treatment Cost in New Jersey?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) pricing varies based on the level of care and the specific treatment provided. For instance, detoxification programs can cost between $250 to $800 per day, inpatient rehabilitation ranges from $6,000 to $20,000 for a 30-day program, and outpatient treatment programs typically range from $5,000 to $10,000 for a three-month program. Additionally, therapy pricing can differ among individual and group sessions, with specialized treatment options also affecting overall costs.

The Harmony Healing Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center is part of the nationally recognized Harmony Health Group, known for its dedication to providing expert treatment options for those struggling with addiction. Our comprehensive treatment plans are tailored to each individual, ensuring personalized and well-rounded care that supports successful recovery.

At Harmony Healing, we utilize a blend of evidence-based practices and compassionate care to help individuals navigate their recovery journey. Our commitment to excellence and individualized treatment makes us a trusted choice for those seeking effective and supportive addiction treatment. To learn about treatment affordability, we encourage you to complete our online insurance verification form, which allows us to understand how your health insurance plan affects your cost of treatment. Call (888) 409-5356 today to get started!

Cost Breakdown for MAT in New Jersey

Several details affect the healthcare costs for medication-assisted treatment in New Jersey. “Cookie-cutter” approaches are often not practical with substance use disorders because addiction is a multifaceted and complex mental health concern unique to each individual. Examples of factors that can impact the cost of MAT in New Jersey include:

Average Cost of Medication

Doctor’s Fees

Cost of Counseling and Behavioral Therapies

Laboratory Test Fees

Administrative Costs

Costs for Any Additional Services

Costs for Traveling to New Jersey

Senior couple talk to a therapist about the cost of medication-assisted treatment for addiction recovery

What Can Influence the Cost of Medication-Assisted Treatment Cost in New Jersey?

New Jersey treatment costs can vary widely based on the individual needs of each person. A common concern among those who are seeking addiction treatment includes rehabilitation expenses and out-of-pocket costs. We encourage you to contact the Harmony Healing Substance Addiction Treatment Center to learn which treatment option would best fit your needs and lifestyle!

Type of Medication

Medication-assisted treatment can be an effective treatment approach for individuals who are struggling with different substance use disorders. The FDA has approved MAT options for alcohol use disorder and opioid use disorder, each of which has its price points. The price of medications includes the method of administration and the dosage of your medication. Individuals who are experiencing a dual diagnosis may find that psychotropic medications can aid in their recovery by providing relief from mental health distress and allowing them to cope with their symptoms effectively.

Frequency of Treatment

With medication-assisted treatment, your schedule is dependent on several factors, including the severity of your addiction, current symptoms, and the presence of other mental health concerns. Individuals who are in the beginning stages of their recovery and those living with a dual diagnosis may require more frequent visits than others. Additionally, MAT often includes regular visits with your prescribing physician to monitor your recovery. The cost of these medical interventions can increase the cost associated with addiction treatment programs.

Therapy or Counseling Sessions

MAT programs often utilize a comprehensive approach, including therapy and other counseling services to help you achieve your recovery goals. Treatment options can help you get to the root of your addiction, learn healthy coping skills, and develop a foundation for your recovery. Regular therapy and counseling sessions contribute to the cost of care and may be associated with additional fees.

Insurance Coverage Levels

Healthcare budgeting often depends on the details of your health insurance plan, which is crucial in determining your out-of-pocket medical fees. The Harmony Healing Center in Cherry Hill, NJ, can help you understand the details of your insurance plan and how it would affect your treatment cost after verifying your insurance policy. We encourage you to call (888) 409-5356 with your inquiries.

Type of Medication

Differences in the prices of medications can be noticed between generic and name-brand medications, as well as among the different routes of administration. Additionally, some individuals utilize MAT on a long-term basis, while other medications are used for a shorter period, including detoxification. Individuals who use MAT for a longer period typically have higher medication-assisted treatment expenses.

Cost of Counseling and Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies are often recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment approach to address the psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction. However, the cost of therapy sessions can vary depending on factors. This includes the type of treatment, the setting treatment takes place in, and the duration of treatment.  Some individuals may find that there are notable details in their health insurance plan about their coverage of behavioral therapies.

Does Health Insurance Cover Medication-Assisted Treatment in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, health insurance plans typically cover MAT services to varying degrees, ranging from full to partial coverage. Coverage may include medications such as buprenorphine (Suboxone), naltrexone (Vivitrol), methadone, disulfiram (Antabuse), and other medication options. Insurance plans may also cover provider visits, counseling, and behavioral therapies.

However, the extent of coverage can vary depending on the specific insurance plan, provider network, and individual policy terms. Some insurance plans may require prior authorization for MAT services or have limitations on the duration or frequency of coverage. There may also be out-of-pocket costs such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles for which individuals are responsible.

Map and surrounding area for Harmony Healing Center NJ

Addiction Rehab Center in New Jersey That Offers Medication-Assisted Treatment

The Harmony Healing Addiction Treatment Center in New Jersey takes a comprehensive approach to managing substance use disorders, including opioid and alcohol use disorders. These programs integrate FDA-approved medications, aim to reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and support long-term recovery. Call (888) 409-5356 to learn about insurance companies we accept!

Harmony Healing Center

The Harmony Healing Center provides various services tailored to each person we work with. We strive to provide holistic therapy and comprehensive care that addresses the physical, psychological, and social aspects of addiction.

Harmony Health Center – Cherry Hill, New Jersey
401 Kings Highway South
Building #1 Tara Corporate Park
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Cost Difference Between MAT and Residential Treatment in NJ

MAT cost factors that can have a significant impact on the cost of treatment is the level of care that the treatment is taking place in. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reported that the residential treatment programs in New Jersey cost an average of $56,570 per treatment episode. 

Residential rehab programs that utilize specialized treatment options including MAT and dual diagnosis treatment tend to cost more on average. Typically, medications commonly used for MAT are more affordable than residential treatment. However, addiction is a multifaceted disease that benefits the most from a whole-person treatment approach that includes behavioral treatment interventions.

Cost Difference Between MAT and Outpatient Programs in NJ

Outpatient treatment programs are a great option for individuals who do not require the intensive support provided in an inpatient treatment program and can reside in their homes. The intensity of outpatient programs varies among day, intensive, and routine outpatient options. On average, outpatient treatment programs cost $8,386, and methadone outpatient programs cost $7,451 annually.

MAT programs can include medication-assisted treatment options, including methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and disulfiram, among others. Individuals who receive MAT from an outpatient treatment provider will likely have a noticeable difference in their rehabilitation fees, as this is considered a specialized treatment option.

Cost Difference Between MAT and Detox Treatment in NJ

For some, detoxification includes the use of medication-assisted treatment. MAT can be used to decrease a person’s physical and psychological symptoms resulting from withdrawal. Because of the medical treatments used and access to healthcare professionals around the clock, detoxification programs have higher treatment expenses when compared to other treatment options.

The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reported that the average cost for detoxification programs in 2022 was approximately $141,001. This number can fluctuate based on the length of time a person is in detox, the severity of their symptoms, and the severity of their substance use disorder. While some use medication-assisted treatment options exclusively in detox programs, some benefit from the continued use of MAT approaches. Depending on their needs, individuals using MAT options may receive a referral for continued treatment in an inpatient or outpatient program.

Financial Assistance for Medication-Assisted Treatment in New Jersey

For individuals who are looking for financial considerations for medication-assisted treatment in NJ, there are several options you may be eligible to use. These resources can help you find affordable recovery options that allow you to receive the care and support you need without worrying about the financial implications.


Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that offers coverage for MAT services for eligible individuals. In New Jersey, Medicaid covers a range of MAT medications and associated services, making treatment more accessible to those with limited financial resources. Approximately 72% of NJ residents who received treatment in 2022  used Medicaid insurance for MAT financial assistance. 


Medicare is a federal health insurance program intended for individuals aged 65 and older, that can provide coverage for MAT services for eligible individuals. This includes coverage for medications such as buprenorphine and naltrexone, as well as counseling and other support services. The New Jersey Department of Human Services reported that 2% of those who received addiction treatment during 2022 in New Jersey utilized Medicare coverage options.


SAMHSA Grants are another potential source of financial assistance for those looking for affordable recovery solutions in New Jersey. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers grants to states, territories, tribes, and organizations to support the expansion of MAT services and increase access to treatment for individuals with substance use disorders.

Family and Loved Ones

Family and loved ones can also play a crucial role in supporting individuals seeking MAT by providing financial assistance and helping to navigate insurance coverage and reimbursement processes. Everyone involved should consider motivations for financial support and guidance to ensure it won’t burden or strain their relationships.  Loved ones may also offer emotional support and encouragement throughout the treatment journey.

Type of Medication

For individuals looking for cost-effective treatment options, it may be worthwhile to talk to your prescribing physician about using generic medications instead of name-brand options. Healthcare providers can work with individuals to identify the most appropriate medication based on their needs, preferences, and financial situation. You may find that your insurance provides more coverage for some medications used for medication-assisted treatment.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) offers resources and support to healthcare providers and organizations that encourage expanding medication-assisted treatment in underserved communities. HRSA-funded programs may provide financial assistance for individuals seeking MAT, especially in pockets of the country with limited access to addiction treatment services.

Medication-Assisted Treatment Stats in New Jersey

As a commonly used treatment approach for substance use disorders, Medication-assisted treatment has been incorporated into treatment programs, including inpatient and outpatient settings. The most commonly used form of MAT in 2022 was methadone, with almost 14,000 NJ residents in a methadone maintenance program, according to the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services within the Department of Human Services.

Other MAT options used included buprenorphine and Vivitrol, respectively. Approximately 13% of NJ residents who engaged in substance abuse treatment programming participated in an opioid maintenance outpatient program, and 2% participated in an opioid maintenance intensive outpatient program. The most common primary substance used by those who received treatment in 2022 was alcohol (37%), followed closely by heroin (36%) and other opioids (8%).

  • The most common primary substances among NJ residents who received treatment in 2022 included alcohol (37%), heroin (36%), and other opioids (8%)
  • 13% of those who utilized outpatient treatment services in 2022 participated in an opioid maintenance outpatient treatment program, and approximately 2% engaged in opioid maintenance intensive outpatient programming
  • Methadone was used y 16% of NJ residents who received MAT
  • Buprenorphine was the second most commonly used MAT option, with 12% use among NJ residents
  • Vivitrol was used by 3% of those who engaged in treatment in 2022
  • 28% of those who received treatment in 2022 were between the ages of 35 and 44 years old, making this the most common age bracket
  • 14% of those who received treatment in NJ reported participating in Alcoholics Anonymous within the last 30 days, 12% attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings in the same time frame

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