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5 Things Every Good NJ Rehab Should Have

Things to Look For in a Good NJ Rehab

There are many important things that every NJ rehab should have. If you or a loved one is considering entry into a drug or alcohol treatment program, make sure to research the center and confirm that it offers these five crucial services.

Access to Medical Detox

Detox is an important first step in the recovery process. The process successfully eliminates all traces of a substance from the physical body and prepares the individual for continued, more intensive treatment. Quality treatment centers should either have an on-site detox facility on-site or be able to refer a client to an affiliated center. During the detoxification process, a client may exhibit a fever, tremors, nausea, hallucinations, body aches and agitation. Due to the medical complications that can arise during this stage, it is important to undergo clinically supervised detox so that the person can be made as comfortable and safe as possible.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Once a person completes detox they can prepare for a thorough addiction treatment program. Due to every client being unique and requiring specific levels of care, finding a rehab that custom builds treatment plans is very beneficial to overall health and recovery. Some centers apply a uniform plan to all clients. This is a disservice to the client as well as the entire addiction community. Some clients may require holistic therapies, alternative therapies, whereas others may benefit the most from group therapy. This exposure to different treatment options increases the chance of the client’s maintained sobriety.  Tools gained from these various exercises will also effectively prepare them for life after treatment.

Judgment-Free Environment

The decision to enter drug treatment in NJ is a huge step and one that every person should be very proud of. Due to the sensitivity surrounding addiction, a good treatment center should actively uphold a safe and judgment-free environment. During therapy sessions, some personal things may be unveiled. A judgmental environment can be extremely damaging to people trying to heal and can ultimately be detrimental to recovery. Rehab centers are meant to be a safe spaces. Clients who enter have felt shame, guilt, and neglect due to this disease. In order to heal and move past these negative emotions, a treatment center must nurture a s