Do you know someone who has an amphetamine addiction? If so, you may be unsure as to what you can do to help this person. You may need to learn more about addiction or how to handle difficult situations related to the addiction before you can do much for your loved one or friend.
Signs/Symptoms of Amphetamine Addiction
You might not be 100% sure the person in your life has an addiction to this drug. Maybe, they are acting odd, but you aren’t sure what is going on. You could suspect an addiction, though. To better determine whether this person has an amphetamine addiction, there are some signs and symptoms you should look for:
- Taking more amphetamines than intended
- Driving while under the influence of drugs
- Having relationship issues due to drug use
- Not taking care of their responsibilities because they are high
- Giving up personal interests to get high
- Spending a lot of money trying to find and use drugs
- Stress and anxiety due to not having the drug
- Going through withdrawal symptoms when they don’t use the drug
If your friend or loved one is displaying these signs, it would be a good idea to talk to them about their amphetamine use. You might be surprised that they were hoping someone would talk to and help them. On the other hand, though, they may be less forthcoming and it may take time for them to see that they need to get treatment help for addiction.
Confronting the Addiction Not the Person
You might be wondering how you will talk to your friend or loved one about amphetamine addiction. Maybe you want to give them a piece of your mind and tell them about all the ways they are hurting themselves and others. This type of confrontation generally doesn’t go very well when talking to someone who has an addiction. It is most important to recognize the addiction as a disease and confront it from that point of view. Your loved one or friend isn’t necessarily a bad person. The addictive behaviors and habits are taking over their life. They will likely need professional rehab center treatment to make changes and get better.
Dos and Don’ts of Helping Someone Who Has an Amphetamine Addiction
When it comes to helping the person who has an addiction, there are some do and don’t guidelines that you may want to follow.
Some of the things that you can or should do include:
- Talk about your concerns using facts and not opinions
- Stay patient throughout the conversation
- Offer to help them get into a treatment program and support groups
- Be there for them throughout their recovery
Some of the things that you shouldn’t do when talking to someone with an addiction include:
- Don’t criticize or judge them
- Don’t neglect your needs in order to care for them
- Don’t keep enabling them or letting them manipulate you
- Don’t act angry or raise your voice
If you can follow these general guidelines, the conversation that you have with this person is likely going to be smoother and less complicated.
Getting Them the Help They Need
If your friend or loved one accepts the fact that they need help in overcoming an amphetamine addiction, there are some tips that you can use to get them the help they need. Some of these tips include:
- Call around to detox and rehab centers to find a program that specializes in treatment for amphetamine addiction
- Ask rehab center professionals questions to find out which services or treatments would be best for your friend or loved one
- Go to the original meeting with your loved one or friend, so they don’t feel as alone (at the very least, it might be helpful if you drive them there)
- Be there as a support person during their family therapy meetings and aftercare program/plan
These are some of the best things you can do to help someone get into the treatments they need. If your friend or loved one has questions about the treatment program here at Harmony Healing NJ, don’t hesitate to give them our number. If needed, you can even have us on speakerphone, so you both can be a part of the discussion. We are happy to answer any questions you or your friend or loved one have about the treatment programs here at our treatment center.
Reach Out for Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Today
Now you know how to best help someone get treatment for an amphetamine addiction. Remember, you can’t control what choices this person makes. If they get into treatment, that is great. It may take them some time to admit they have an addiction and need help. Be patient, kind, and supportive in their recovery when they reach that point.
Contact us today if your friend or loved one is ready to get amphetamine addiction treatment.