Here’s What You Need to Know About Detox Centers in New Jersey
Looking for Detox Centers in New Jersey for yourself or a loved one can be exhausting. Let’s face it. If you’re already dealing with addiction or a family crisis, the last thing you want piled on top of that is a bunch of busy work. If your search brought you here, you’ve no doubt noticed there is a mind-boggling number of choices for alcohol and drug treatment in NJ. So where do you even begin? If you’re trying to find the best alcohol detox NJ offers, read on to learn the ins and outs of the process of selecting a treatment center. The first thing to think about is your needs. What do you need treatment for exactly? Maybe you have a family member with an opioid use disorder. Perhaps you’re looking for the best alcohol detox NJ offers for your father. Everyone’s needs are a little different so starting with a list of yours is a great place to start. If we’re dealing with opioids, alcohol or benzodiazepines like Xanax, then there is a good chance treatment will begin at one of the many detox centers in New Jersey. But which one, right?
Start With What You Know
If you’re looking at detox centers in New Jersey, you have likely considered that detox alone will not be enough. Maybe you’ve been to treatment several times before and relapsed. If we are honest, most of us know that addiction runs deeper than just an insatiable hunger for a drug or drink. You maybe have heard the terms co-occurring condition or dual-diagnosis before. That is a person who has both a substance use disorder and at least one mental health disorder at the same time. You may already be aware that you or the person you want to help also has depression, anxiety or any one of a number of other mental health disorders along with addiction. Maybe you only suspect this is the case, but there has been no formal diagnosis. Or perhaps you haven’t even considered it until now. Make note of any signs of a mental health disorder you are aware of. This is relevant to your treatment decision. Here are some other things to know as you undergo your search for detox centers in New Jersey:
- How long can you or your loved one go to treatment? Remember that vis always better. (1 month or more ideally)
- Is the person willing to go to treatment? If not, you might consider a professional intervention as an option.
- What resources do you have? Is there health insurance coverage? Financial resources?
- Who is with you in this fight? Who can help provide mental, spiritual or financial support?
Notes for Your Search for Detox Centers in New Jersey
It may sound simple but writing these things down can really help organize your thoughts. Get any questions you have out on paper so you can ask the admissions department when you speak to them. Write down the answers you already know. Make a list of the resources you have to help you in this battle. Social and family supports. Financial help. Think about who can watch someone’s pet or look after their house? Who might be able to help with a co-payment or deductible? Who can drive you to treatment if needed? Having a list of all these things can really help make things feel more manageable and it will help you make an informed decision about detox centers in New Jersey.
What Should I Look for in a New Jersey Detox Center?
Now that your thoughts are a bit more organized and you have your notes in hand, let’s talk about what you should be looking for in a New Jersey detox center and treatment center. Right off the top, there are certain things that are a must. You shouldn’t compromise on any of the things on this list if possible.
- Licensed by the State of New Jersey (ask for credentials, or look for them on the website)
- Joint Commission Accreditation
- A full medical detox, if needed or a treatment center connected to a reputable medical detox in the area.
- Board-certified physicians on staff and nurses on site.
- A psychiatrist who can diagnose and treat co-occurring disorders
All these items are important for different reasons, but a facility that offers them all is likely to be a reputable, quality program you can trust. Nearly everyone benefits from going to a treatment center following the detox process. Even if you’ve been to treatment before, the weeks or months of stabilization and orientation a rehab or IOP can provide are invaluable in setting the course for recovery. Programs that offer Partial Care and IOP and sober living can be an attractive alternative to inpatient treatment. A detox combined with treatment in one of these programs can result in a longer and/or more affordable overall treatment experience and often the amount of time in treatment is a deciding factor in success. If you or someone you love is living with a substance use disorder, Harmony Healing Center can help. Give us a call at (848) 253-6065 for more information about detox centers in New Jersey and other treatment options.